note: This offering covers all CT CQR. If you need very few CE, please send us a snapshot of the CQR CE needed for each subcategory via chat or email us at
Offer info:
This offer provides all 30 CT CQR CE credits, the maximum required. Check your CQR deadline and 2-year 24CE cycle—you may be able to apply these credits to both requirements.
CQR CE credit breakdown: click here
This offer consists of 2 courses:
1) 19CE Computed Tomography Review
Mosby's Computed Tomography Exam Review for the CT registry examination covers all exam categories; Patient care, safety/protection, imaging procedures and image production.
2) 24CE: EZ Computed Tomography Review
This course offers CT technologists an in-depth review of key concepts in CT imaging, covering system components, imaging parameters, data acquisition, image reconstruction, post-scan processing, image display, and quality assurance, including artifact management and reduction. Additionally, the course explores CT imaging procedures for various anatomical regions. It also includes radiation safety practices and patient care essentials.
Complete Computed Tomography CT CQR CE Credits
Registry List*:
- Accepted for the ARRT® certification & registration
- NMTCB® – Accepted
- ARDMS®/AMA® - Not accepted
State list for radiology*:
- California – Accepted. Meets 4 hr of digital radiography req.
- Other States – Accepted
- Money back guarantee on course acceptance
* See FAQ for acceptance details&caveat