All-Inclusive Price: $59.9 (Includes Online Test, PDF Course Material & Certificate)
Course Name: Fundamentals of Radiation Safety
CE Credits: 10 Category A
CQR CE Credits: click here
Test: Earn all 10 CE credits with 1 test.
This course provides radiologic technologists with essential knowledge of radiation protection in medical imaging. It covers biological effects of ionizing radiation, dosimetric principles, and practical strategies to manage radiation exposure in clinical settings. The course focuses on applying ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principles, identifying radiation risks in medical procedures, and implementing protection strategies. It also covers the role of the Radiation Safety Officer, handling radiation emergencies, and best practices for fluoroscopic procedures.
For further information, click here
10 CE: Fundamentals of Radiation Safety
Registry list**:
- Accepted for the ARRT® certification & registration
- NMTCB®: Accepted
- ARDMS®: Not accepted
State list for radiology**:
- California: Accepted includes 4 hr of fluoroscopy safety
- Other States: Accepted
Our Promises to You:
- Money back guarantee on course acceptance
- Generous test refund policy
** See FAQ for acceptance details&caveat